Campaign Types: Overview & Workflows

Depending on the campaign type, the workflows and support by the Ad Optimizer differ. You will find an overview of all campaign types and how the algorithm can support them here. 

Important settings:

TACoS - before the algorithm can optimize a campaign, the TACoS must be set in the Ad Optimizer's Campaign Section. Campaigns without TACoS will not be optimized by metoda.

 How to set the TACoS 
Side note: campaigns that have been created in Amazon will be shown in our Ad Optimizer automatically. This usually takes only a few minutes and max. 6 hours.

Budget - before a portfolio and the campaigns it contains can run, there must be an active budget period. Without a budget, the campaigns are paused and not executed

How to set a budget

Management Options

Full support (created in Ad Optimizer): All campaign Management options are available. (Bulk Import, add Custom Keywords in AO)

Manage (created in Amazon Ads Console): When a Goal / TACoS is set, Ad Optimizer will manage the bids for the campaign.

How does the metoda Ad Optimizer optimize bids?

Further information and Help Center Articles:

SP (Sponsored Products)

SB (Sponsored Brands)

SD (Sponsored Display)

All campaign types