This article shows you how to define bids or special TACoS for certain keywords or target products.
Ad Optimizer has been improved to provide more comprehensive support for individual strategies. It now enables the creation of specific goals and settings not only at the campaign level, but also at the target level (keywords or products), providing greater flexibility and precision.
With our new feature Advanced target settings you can now adjust the targeting of your campaigns even more precisely, if desired. So, besides optimizing for the best campaign return, our Smart Bids algorithm will also allow for more strategic goals e.g. like visibility on a specific target / keyword.
Ad Optimizer now enables you to define separate minimum and maximum bids for specific targets or establish a dedicated target ACOS (“Focus TACOS”) to guide our Smart Bids algorithm towards your desired strategy, regardless of the campaign goal you have set.
The Focus TACOS allows you to set a separate target ACOS for a specific target/keyword, different from the campaign’s target ACOS. This way, you can increase the visibility on these keywords or product targets, while still focussing on efficiency for all other keywords or product targets included in the same campaign.
Example: Your campaign has a TACOS of 15%, but you want to push a special keywords, "keyword 1" specifically, by raising the TACOS of this keyword to 30%. All other keywords will still be optimized with the 15% goal.
Bid Range
By entering minimum and maximum bids, you have the possibility to define a bid range for specific targets. This guarantees that our algorithm will set bids only within the defined range.
It is also possible to establish a fixed bid for a target by setting minimum and maximum bid to the same value.
How can you define focus targets?
To establish advanced target settings, download the “advanced target settings” file in the Campaigns table under “Export”.
Here you can define the settings for each campaign.
To make input easier for you, the file contains a second tab in which all your campaigns and associated portfolios are listed.

The "Targets with advanced settings" spreadsheet contains the following columns.
Blue colored columns are for the campaign settings.

Add the portfolio name, the campaign type (SP, SB or SD) and the campaign name. The information about this can be found in the "Campaign list" spreadsheet.
The green columns contain the targets and the advanced target settings.
- Target: Add the focus keywords or focus ASINs you want to target.
- Target Type:
- Positive broad keyword: Displayed if the keyword is included somewhere in the search term.
Positive phrase keyword: Displayed if it has the same order in the search term.
Positive exact keyword: Displayed if the keyword has an exact match with the search term.
Positive product: Displayed on the defined product detail pages (Target ASINs).
Minimum bid: This bid is never undercut by Ad Optimizer
Maximum bid: This bid is never exceeded by Ad Optimizer
Focus TACOS: Special Target ACOS for target.
Once the sheet is filled in, you can upload it using the import function.
The next step is to change to the "Advanced target settings" tab and upload the file.
If something went wrong, an Excel file will be created with the errors. The errors can be found in column I.
Common errors: please make sure to avoid duplicates in your list (setting the same keyword twice as a focus keyword for the same campaign). Ad Optimizer will reject such an import sheet, as the setting for a specific keyword needs to be unambiguous.
How to delete focus targets
To remove advanced target settings, simply delete all settings (meaning focus TACOS or min. and max. bid), but NOT the target itself. The target will then be turned into a regular target and removed from this list. With your next export of the advanced target settings, the deleted target will not be shown anymore.