How to explore and adapt your Subscription features, Billing details & Payment
1. Log into your account with your credentials
2. Click on "Subscriptions"

3. There you can see your Product (e.g. Visibility Tracker or Ad Optimizer) and your Subscription (e.g. Free / Professional).

Below is an overview of the different subscriptions and the features they provide. When you have a Free Subscription, only 1 Budget Period for a full month is included.
For details, how to manage this Budget Period that all campaigns are running in time, please take a look here.

4. If this is your first time subscribing or if you want to change your subscription, please fill in / check your billing details here. If the billing information for your company has changed, you can adjust this under "Billing details".

5. In the case of a paid Subscription you need to save a payment method here. At the moment, only Card Payment is available.

Countries/Markets available with Ad Optimizer
Ad Optimizer covers the following marketplaces:
- Europe (Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Belgium)
- USA & Canada
- United Arab Emirates
- Turkey
- Egypt
- Australia
- Brazil
- Japan
- India
- Mexico
- Singapore
We are continuing growing and therefore expanding our list or markets from time to time.